Simple Profiler for T-Kernel

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A simple task profiler for T-Kernel. (Modified to use less memory space compared to previous versions.)

Running environment
T-Kernel/x86 (considered relatively easy to be ported for other architectures)
MIT License

How to compile

`vfdrv' and `vfswitch' are driver and process-based application, respectively. Thus, you can compile each of these in $BD/driver/ and $BD/bappl/ directory, respectively.


  1. Execute lodspg vfdrv, so that the profiler driver is loaded.
  2. Then execute a program of which profile information you want. There are two options for this:
    A) Hack the target program codes
    Try to understand what vfswitch.tar.gz is doing, and add some codes (i.e. vf_{open,start,stop,save,close}) to start/end profiling like that. Note that you need to add/remove task IDs for multi-task programs.
    B) Trigger profiler from outside, leaving target program unchanged
    Simply execute program, and get the task ID for the target program. (For example by executing "ref tsk".) Let's assume here that the task ID is 123. In that case, start profiling by typing:
    $ vfswitch on 123
    while in order to terminate profiler, type:
    $ vfswitch off
  3. Transfer profiler output (/SYS/vf.out) to the host environment.
    [/SYS]% fput vf.out
  4. Lastly, execute analyzer to read the profiler output:
    [takeshi@YashiroRed pcat]$ vf.rb vf.out
    [001]     660[ms] ( 86.8%) : sys=100%, usr=  0% : TShellGraphics::drawBitmap(TShellBitmap*, rect const&, rect const&)
    [002]      20[ms] (  2.6%) : sys=100%, usr=  0% : TShellBufferedGraphics::~TShellBufferedGraphics()
    [003]      20[ms] (  2.6%) : sys=100%, usr=  0% : WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs(WebCore::GraphicsContext*, WebCore::SimpleFontData const*, WebCore::GlyphBuffer const&, int, int, WebCore::FloatPoint const&) const
    [004]      20[ms] (  2.6%) : sys=  0%, usr=100% : jscyyparse(void*)
    [005]      10[ms] (  1.3%) : sys=  0%, usr=100% : BMLockTmo
    [006]      10[ms] (  1.3%) : sys=100%, usr=  0% : TShellGraphics::fillRectangle(int, int, int, int)
    [007]      10[ms] (  1.3%) : sys=  0%, usr=100% : WebCore::cssValueKeywordID(WebCore::CSSParserString const&)
    [008]      10[ms] (  1.3%) : sys=  0%, usr=100% : _mem_malloc
    [009]       0[ms] (  0.0%) : sys=  0%, usr=  0% : TShellApp::cycle()
    [010]       0[ms] (  0.0%) : sys=  0%, usr=  0% : TShellWebKitPanel::onWorkAreaMouseDown()
    In the above example output, we can get that most of the time is spent on TShellGraphics::drawBitmap function, and that it is a good idea to select this function as the target you optimize. However, as system time is 100% for this period, this problem cannot be solved simply; instead, it is necessary to change the program structure to reduce the number of calls to time-consuming SVC functions.

How this program works

Mechanism is really simple: vfdrv checks and records PC (program counter) of the target tasks periodically (using cyclic handlers), and then vf.rb analyzes how much time is spent on each functions from these data. This mechanism is similar to sysprof in Linux, although they differ in that sysprof profiles the whole system, while vfdrv focuses on a specified task.

Unlike gprof, this profiler cannot show the number of calls to profiled functions, which cannot be achieved simply by this method. Instead, this profiler can profile kernel-based programs (by specifying tid from outer process), and does not modify any code or binaries.


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Yashiro Takeshi <>
Last modified: Fri Nov 25 06:57:31 2011
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